One of the greatest moments of my life was when I was laid off from my executive level, 6-figure Telecommunications job on February 26, 2016. Most people, would never say this, but it is totally true. After that noisy, stressful job was gone, I started to realize what life was really all about. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for all of the lessons that #CORPORATEAMERICATAUGHTME.
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But, I was able to be softer, quieter, and free. I must also admit that my relationship with God got stronger.

I know that everyone claims to be perfect in their relationship with God; but, I wasn’t doing as much as I could have been doing.

At that point, I can truly say I started the journey of becoming a #purposedrivenprofessional. For years, I chased money and I am not afraid to say it. With my dad being legendary musician and promotions strategist, my mom, retired music business marketing executive , and my brother, a Grammy-award winning producer, in my family hustle is a perpetual cycle. Money in, money out. Werk, werk, werk, werk, werk, cue the famous Rhianna tune. For the majority of my years in Corporate America, I floated. I had hard days, but for the most part and I put in the work and was rewarded for it. Were there politics? Yes. Drama? For sure. But, I climbed the corporate ladder with my inherited work ethic, charisma, and knack for selling and marketing products.

My story…

Rockstar Experience

September 4, 2000

I started my first company called Rockstar Experience. It was an event planning company that serviced the Music Industry. That company failed. It didn’t stop me though.

1st Lesson in Real Estate

September 4, 2003

I took a break from entrepreneurship. I started working as a Loan Originator where I got my first lessons in real estate.

Climb on the corporate ladder

September 4, 2006

I began my climb on the corporate ladder in a call center, then quickly moved to the marketing department where I later joined the leadership team.

I almost went bankrupt

September 4, 2006

The real estate market started to crash, I almost went bankrupt and had to get rid of all my properties.

Fortune 500 Telecommunications company

September 4, 2007

Joined the Sales and Marketing Team at a Fortune 500 Telecommunications company.

My digital marketing agency

September 4, 2009

Joined the leadership team as a supervisor. Launched my digital marketing agency.

Executive Management Team Renee

September 4, 2011

Joined the Executive Management Team.

I got laid off.

September 4, 2016

Life couldn’t be better.

September 4, 2018

When I got laid off...

I immediately began to work on my book Straight Out of Corporate, but I didn’t know that I was exhausted. Typically, you know when you are tired. However, I was unable to recognize that I needed a break, so I charged forward. Even though, being laid off was what I wanted, I didn’t realize that I was actually grieving the loss and the change. More on that here. It took me a year to finish the book.

The original release date was planned for November 2016. The book was launched April 2017 . This was one of the hardest things I had to do. I didn’t realize that I was under a massive transformation. I kept traveling, speaking, doing interviews, and never really rested. I never really took the time to reflect on my lessons or successes.

My Biggest Lessons

I'd say that the last year has been a year of CLEARITY.

It was the year that I have been the clearest. Have you ever heard people say, “You gotta get still so you can hear GOD?” I have been still, and finally my purpose is clearer than ever before. My purpose clearly came to me while attending HIVE in December 2017.

I admit my purpose for attending HIVE was to network with entrepreneurs in the global marketplace. That was it. I wanted to expand my brand globally and get speaking engagements abroad. Oh boy, did I get so much more. When I saw the program, I felt like, ‘Oh no! Here we go…some long workbook on figuring out your purpose.’ (insert eye roll emoji) The structure of HIVE was like no other conference that I’d attended before…I am the person who only attends marketing events and conferences about making money. But at HIVE there was so much encouragement to be in the moment. And to be mindful. Our group leader made my experience come alive. Brendan Chan is a well-organized, even toned Goggler. He definitely demonstrated self-less service.

During our one-on-one coaching session, he helped me to craft the beginning of an epic purpose statement. I say it’s the beginning because it has now morphed my entire flagship product suite to include a signature program, live events – including a monthly meetup in Atlanta for purpose driven professionals, and my second book.

I believe in divine order and God’s perfect timing. I had never been able to articulate my gifts or my vision as eloquently as Brendan did. I truly believe that our interaction that day was a love note from God. All my life, I’d meet people who would tell me their gifts, visions, and ideas then immediately I’d begin to get downloads from God of the business blueprints and the life breakthroughs they’d need. Most of the people I’d meet, had already found their purpose, they just needed to amplify it in a way that would bring them clients and recognition. I knew I never wanted to be a publicist, even though sales and marketing go hand and hand with public relations.


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My Purpose Statement

My life purpose is to help entrepreneurs and corporate professionals find and use their unique voices to connect with clients, team members and stakeholders. I want to use my skills of marketing and business development to help them become thought leaders which will in turn…

Zone of Genius

Your zone of genius is your unique power. It is a one-of-a-kind quality that you bring to your life and to your work and lets you do certain things better than almost anyone else.